Source Controll Management with Bazaar-ng

I recently took a look at bazaar-ng, the installation is plain simple (well on Debian anyway it’s just apt-get install bzr) and the user interface is also straight forward (commands are more or less named as expected).

As an introduction I recommend reading through their wiki. To get started just initialize a new branch and then add further files. With bzr help [command] you get some information about the specified command.

cd your_project_dir
bzr init
bzr add your_file
bzr status
bzr commit your_file -m "Initional commit." # make some changes
bzr status
bzr diff
bzr commit your_file -m "Your comment."
bzr log

I hope you see how easy it is to handle your source files with bazaar-ng I might use it for a new project.

If you have to choose a SCM system then this comparison might be useful, although some newly created ones such as bazaar-ng or git are not yet listed there.
