VMWare Wrapper Script for Fullscreen Startup (Windows)
I found a batch script on my PC at work which I had written last year. It might be useful for someone who wants to start a VMware-Virtual-Machine directly in full screen mode with a simple shortcut. It is tested on WinXP with VMWare 4.5 but should also work with Win2000.
Anyway here is the code:
:: Script: vmware.start.bat
:: Description: This automatically starts the
:: requested virtual machine in
:: fullscreen mode.
:: http://www.vmware.com/support/ws45/doc/special_fsswitch_ws.html
:: Last Update: 12-10-2004
@echo off
:: The following variable should point to
:: your installation directory of VMWare
SET VM_DIR=C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation
:: The follwing variable should point to
:: your virtual-machine-file (*.wmx)
IF '%VM_FILE%' == '' (
echo Usage vmware.bat [vmx-file]
goto end
echo vmx-file doesn't exists.
goto end
echo Switching to VM-Ware directory....
cd %VM_DIR%
echo Try to start VM...................
start vmware-fullscreen.exe -poweron -fullscreen -name=VM %VM_FILE%
echo couldn't start vmware.
goto end
echo VM is runing......................
:: ok the virtual machine is started
:: now we provide a little console
echo You are now in command mode, type "help" for a list of supported commands
set /P command=
if "%command%" == "quit" (
vmware-fullscreen.exe -poweroff VM
) else if "%command%" == "switch" (
vmware-fullscreen.exe -switchto VM
) else if "%command%" == "clear" (
) else if "%command%" == "help" (
echo Supported commands
echo quit shutdown the virtual machine and close this window
echo switch switch to the virtual machine
echo clear clear the screen
echo help diplay this message
) else (
echo Syntax error type "help" for a list of supported commands
goto console
The script first invokes the virtual machine and then provides a little console for controlling it further. The script expects the vmware-config file as command line argument, here is an example:
vwmare.start.bat "C:\My Virtual Machines\Debian\Debian.vmx"
I have also set up a config file to easily switch between the vm and the
host operating system via hotkeys. It should be placed under
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Workstation\config.ini
prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = "TRUE"
priority.grabbed = "normal"
priority.ungrabbed = "normal"
fullScreenSwitch.cycleKey = "0x09,0x3"
FullScreenSwitch.hostDirectKey = "0x1B,0x3"
FullScreenSwitch.cycleHost = "TRUE"
This allows us to circle between the vm and the host with:
Ctrl + Alt + Tab
. With Ctrl + Alt + Escape
we are back to the host.
And with Ctrl + F1
we can switch back to the virtual machine. See
for further information.